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District Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Information
Lyndhurst Public Schools Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy 5512
Lyndhurst Public Schools District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Jamie Stevens, Director of Student Services
420 Fern Avenue
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
201-438-5683 x4800
LMS Anti-Bullying Specialists (ABS)
Lyndhurst Middle School
619 Page Avenue
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
6th Grade: Maureen Colombo - MaureenColombo@lyndhurst.k12.nj.us
7th Grade: Tori Palanker - ToriPalanker@lyndhurst.k12.nj.us
8th Grade: Maryann Mule', School Counselor - MaryannMule@lyndhurst.k12.nj.us
LMS Administration
Michael Rizzo, Principal - MichaelRizzo@lyndhurst.k12.nj.us
Theresa Brennen, Vice Principal - TheresaBrennen@lyndhurst.k12.nj.us